Every story matters

We pursue youth on the margins so that they have a place to feel seen, heard, and loved.

Volunteer Leader

chasing after the ONE

Young Life One leaders are committed to walking with kids through all avenues of life- no matter what, without judgement. We enter into DJJ run facilities and meet kids exactly where they are and introduce them to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. We have a ton of fun too! From Young Life club to game nights, we treat the youth within DJJ like we would any other teenager on the outside.


Click the button below to find out how to become a Young Life One leader in Columbia, SC!



Young Life One committee is a group of caring adults who support the staff and volunteer leaders that go be with kids. ​ Young Life One committee- composed of adults who have a heart for incarcerated adolescents- provides a foundation of financial, administrative, and moral support for the local Young Life One team.


Click the link below to get more information about joining this team!


Maddie Anderson

In August of ​ 2022, Maddie accepted the role of Director of Midlands Young Life One. With a calling and passion to reach teenagers in non-traditional settings, Maddie began to pioneer Midlands YL One through prayer, partnership and proclamation of the Gospel to incarcerated youth. ​