Midlands Young Life ONE



Leaving the 99 to chase after the ONE

Midlands Young Life One is a relational based mentoring program that works with local partnering agencies in an effort to love incarcerated youth holistically, with the love of Christ. We aim to provide physical needs, while introducing them to Jesus Christ, helping them grow in their faith, providing them with the sense of family, and leading them toward a self-sustaining adulthood. We currently partner with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justices (DJJ) Chapilancy department to proclaim the Gospel with these youth through club and campaigners inside facilities.


Incarcerated Youth in South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina is the hub for the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The Juvenile Detention Center (JDC), Midlands Evaluation Center (MEC), and Broad River Road Complex (BRRC) are all located on Broad River Road. These facilities house youth ages 11-19 from across South Carolina. We currently run Young Life One club at the Midlands Evaluation center. Contact work is happening at all three facilities.


How it all began

Young Life One began in 2020 when a generous group of women granted Young Life a grant to make Young Life One the newest branch of ministry. Young Life One as a mission works with partnering agencies in an effort to love foster, incarcerated, homeless, and trafficked youth. Currently, there are 46 ministries across the US. Named after the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15), Young Life One believes that going to the margins of society to find the lost and forgotten ONE matters.

Does it ​ Matter?

Studies show


The impact of having ONE​ caring adult in a teen's life after experiencing trauma can aid in brain recovery.

3.5 Times


Incarcerated Youth who received no visitation had, on average, 3.5 times more​ behavioral issues each month as youth who received regular visitation.